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Aantal resultaten: 8( DE:"cisgender personen" )


Queer ethics and fostering positive mindsets toward non-binary gender, genderqueer, and gender ambiguity  / Lucy Nicholas.

International Journal of Transgenderism, 20 (2019) 2-3 (apr-sep), p. 169-180
bron: International Journal of Transgenderism jaargang: 20 (2019) 2-3 (apr-sep), p. 169-180
samenvatting: Alongside the growth in visibility of gender identities and presentations such as genderqueer, non-binary and gender neutral, there is ridicule and backlash in wider culture, as well as more subtle invisibility and misgendering. While there exists social psychology research about negative and positive attitudes to trans people, this is restricted to those whose gender identity is at odds with their sex assigned at birth, and who identify with binary gender. Social psychology has extended to the more subtle workings of transphobia, but there is little consideration of the distinctiveness of attitudes and responses to those whose genders cannot be attributed in binary ways, and thus how these may be challenged. Methods: In keeping with the methods of social theory, this article brings together a diverse and complementary range of conceptual fields in new ways to diagnose a novel cause and solution to these negative attitudes. Using queer theory, feminist ethics, and empirical studies in post-tolerance sociology and social psychology, it argues that negative social responses to genderqueerness stem not only from overt prejudice in the form of transphobia but from binary genderism, the conviction that there are only two genders. Results and conclusion: This article proposes fostering greater diversity-literacy and empathy for difference as a more effective approach than minority identity-based 'prejudice reduction' approaches. A norm-critical approach to deconstructing gender norms is proposed, thus fostering positive attitudes to genderqueerness. It is therefore demonstrated how best to foster enabling social contexts for genderqueerness, with positive implications for the physical and social health and wellbeing of gender variant people. This approach can be applied in organizations, institutions, and by service providers who interact with genderqueer individuals, in that it can inform a shift to approaching diversity positively in ways that are not restricted to pre-determined and binary identity categories.

signatuur: ts.

Queer ethics and fostering positive mindsets toward non-binary gender, genderqueer, and gender ambiguity
Lucy Nicholas.
International Journal of Transgenderism

Measuring minority stress: invariance of a discrimination and vigilance scale across transgender and cisgender LGBQ individuals  / Loren A. Bauerband, Michelle Teti & Wayne F. Velicer.

Psychology & Sexuality, 10 (2019) 1, p. 17-30
bron: Psychology & Sexuality jaargang: 10 (2019) 1 , p. 17-30
samenvatting: The Minority Stress Model posits that experiences of proximal and distal stress increase gender and sexual minority risk for poor mental and physical health outcomes. Psychological researchers of minority stress have utilised a variety of measures to capture these stressors, but currently no measures have been assessed for invariance across transgender and LGBQ individuals. The present study assessed the measurement invariance of the Everyday Discrimination Scale (EDS) and the Discrimination-Related Vigilance Scale (DRVS) across transgender (n = 460) and cisgender LGBQ (n = 523) individuals. The EDS demonstrated partial metric invariance across transgender and cisgender, and within gender identities of transgender individuals. While the DRVS demonstrated complete metric invariance across transgender and cisgender, and partial metric invariance within gender identities among transgender respondents. In general, transgender individuals reported more discrimination and vigilance than cisgender LGBQ individuals. This research is the first to compare the structure of measures of LGBTQ-related minority stress. Uncovered non-invariance provides evidence for difference in minority stress patterns for transgender women and men. Results suggest invariance testing may help identify differences in minority stress experiences across LGBTQ identities and increase the validity of analyses that compare multi-item measures across groups.

signatuur: ts.

Measuring minority stress: invariance of a discrimination and vigilance scale across transgender and cisgender LGBQ individuals
Loren A. Bauerband, Michelle Teti & Wayne F. Velicer.
Psychology & Sexuality

Social and psychological heterogeneity among binary transgender, non-binary transgender and cisgender individuals  / Nova J. Bradford & Jory M. Catalpa.

Psychology & Sexuality, 10 (2019) 1, p. 69-82
bron: Psychology & Sexuality jaargang: 10 (2019) 1 , p. 69-82
samenvatting: Researchers have identified important psychosocial distinctions between three emergent gender categories: cisgender, binary transgender and non-binary transgender. The present study further examines such heterogeneous experiences and explores the methodological implications for research of the transgender community. Participants were 153 cisgender, 201 binary transgender and 164 non-binary transgender American adults who completed questionnaires on the topics of life satisfaction, gender determinism and perceived social support. Results demonstrate that non-binary transgender participants report lower gender determinism than both cisgender and binary transgender participants. Furthermore, correlations between significant other support and life satisfaction were higher in cisgender participants than either binary or non-binary transgender participants, whereas the correlation between friend support and life satisfaction was higher in both cisgender and binary transgender participants than in non-binary transgender participants. These results threaten the methodological coherence of studying a unitary 'transgender community', and suggest that some meaningful group differences can be attributed to one of two dimensions of gender variance: cisgender versus transgender identity, or binary versus non-binary gender identity. Future survey research should further explore the methodology of assessing non-binary identity and transgender identity using separate items.

signatuur: ts.

Social and psychological heterogeneity among binary transgender, non-binary transgender and cisgender individuals
Nova J. Bradford & Jory M. Catalpa.
Psychology & Sexuality

Substance use among transgender and cisgender high school students  / Shai Fuxman ...(et al.).

Journal of LGBT Youth, 18 (2021) 1 (jan-mar), p. 40-59
bron: Journal of LGBT Youth jaargang: 18 (2021) 1 (jan-mar), p. 40-59
samenvatting: Using data from a regional census survey of high school students, we compared substance use patterns between transgender and cisgender students, and students who did not know if they are transgender (DKT). Data from more than 23,000 youth from 26 high schools were used to compare alcohol-related behaviors, marijuana use, and non-medical use of prescription drugs (NMUPD) between these three groups. We also examined differences in substance use behaviors between these groups by grade. Results show that transgender students have significantly higher odds of engaging in most types of substance misuse behaviors including problem drinking, current marijuana use, and NMUPD, compared to cisgender students. DKT students have significantly higher odds of engaging in problem drinking, and NMUPD compared to cisgender students. Furthermore, differences in some substance use behaviors between transgender and cisgender students are greater among students in earlier grades compared to later grades; though this was not the case when comparing cisgender students to DKT students. Results highlight the elevated risk of substance use among transgender youth - especially during early high school years, and students who are not sure about their gender identity. Implications about the need for targeted and early prevention efforts for this vulnerable population are discussed.

signatuur: ts.

Substance use among transgender and cisgender high school students
Shai Fuxman ...(et al.).
Journal of LGBT Youth

Meanwhile, t4t  / Cameron Awkward-Rich, Hil Malatino.

TSQ : Transgender Studies Quarterly, 9 (2022) 1 (feb), p. 1-8
bron: TSQ : Transgender Studies Quarterly jaargang: 9 (2022) 1 (feb), p. 1-8
samenvatting: Anecdotally, many of us are (and have been) t4t. But if you derive your sense of trans worlds from academic writing and/or popular culture, this would be easy enough to not know, fixated as these genres tend to be on the dramas of trans people negotiating cis worlds of sense. When we proposed this special issue in late October of 2019, it was clear to us that t4t as a concept and practice organizes some of the most salient features of trans life and cultural/knowledge production but that, at the same, it is largely underthought and untheorized within the interdisciplinary spaces of trans studies. Indeed, as Cassius Adair and Aren Aizura point out in their contribution to this special issue, the academic literature on trans sexualities has tended to assume the inevitability of trans-cis partnerings, even as anyone with a basic familiarity with past and present trans scenes knows that this assumption cannot hold. Many of the insights of this issue, then, might be obvious to anyone who lives a trans life. However, given the frequency with which submissions to this issue relied on one paragraph of one of our essays, an essay that is only marginally about t4t, one of the most important things this issue might do is offer a more varied set of citations for writing about what "some kind of we" already knows (Banias 2016: 3?4).

signatuur: ts.

Meanwhile, t4t
Cameron Awkward-Rich, Hil Malatino.
TSQ : Transgender Studies Quarterly

Forgotten lives: Trans older adults living with dementia at the intersection of cisgenderism, ableism/cogniticism and ageism  / Alexandre Baril, Marjorie Silverman.

Sexualities, 25 (2022) 1-2 (jan-feb), p. 117-131
bron: Sexualities jaargang: 25 (2022) 1-2 (jan-feb), p. 117-131
samenvatting: There is little research at the international level to help us understand the experiences and needs of trans people living with dementia, despite population aging and the growing numbers of trans people including the first cohort of trans older adults. There is a need to understand the widespread barriers, discrimination and mistreatment faced by trans people in the health and social service system, and the fears trans people express about aging and dementia. Anecdotal evidence from the scarce literature on the topic of LGBTQ populations and dementia suggest that cognitive changes can impact on gender identity. For example, trans older adults with dementia may forget they transitioned and reidentify with their sex/gender assigned at birth or may experience 'gender confusion.' This raises crucial questions, for example regarding practices related to pronouns, care to the body (shaving, hair, clothes, etc.), social gendered interactions, health care (continuing or not hormonal therapy) and so on. This article fills a gap in current literature by offering a first typology of responses offered by academics who analyzed the topic of dementia and gender identity, to trans older adults with dementia who may be experiencing 'gender confusion,' namely: (1) a gender neutralization approach; (2) a transaffirmative stable approach; and (3) a trans-affirmative fluid approach. After providing critical reflections regarding each approach, we articulate the foundations of a fourth paradigm, rooted in an interdisciplinary dialogue regarding the interlocking systems of oppression faced by trans older adults with dementia, namely ageism, ableism/sanism, and cisgenderism.

signatuur: ts.

Forgotten lives: Trans older adults living with dementia at the intersection of cisgenderism, ableism/cogniticism and ageism
Alexandre Baril, Marjorie Silverman.

Van M naar V en vice versa  / André Weel.

Tijdschrift voor Bedrijfs- en Verzekeringsgeneeskunde, 26 (2018) 5 (mei), p. 235
bron: Tijdschrift voor Bedrijfs- en Verzekeringsgeneeskunde jaargang: 26 (2018) 5 (mei), p. 235
samenvatting: Samenvatting Een cisgender voelt zich thuis bij zijn of haar biologische geboortegeslacht. Een transgender juist niet. Transgenders komen uit de kast. Ze gaan zich genderconform kleden. Ze laten zich horen en zien in talkshows, het cabaret en de film. Zijn transgenders gelukkig? Zijn ze gezond?

signatuur: ts.

Van M naar V en vice versa
André Weel.
Tijdschrift voor Bedrijfs- en Verzekeringsgeneeskunde

"I am not defined by this box": An Analysis of Cisgender-Transgender Couples Navigating Identity in the Netherlands  / Ian Blom.

Utrecht: Universiteit Utrecht, 2021 - 82 p.
uitgave: Utrecht : Universiteit Utrecht, 2021 - 82 p.
  1. partnerschap/huwelijk
  2. genderidentiteiten
  3. transgender
samenvatting: The present thesis has investigated the relational constitution of gender/sex/sexuality within Dutch cisgender-transgender relationships. This has been done through a discussion of cisgender-transgender relationships and their existence within broader social norms/normativity, and bringing these in relation to the concepts of identification and disidentification. In order to investigate these dynamics, five couples from the Netherlands were selected of whom one person could be categorised as a transmasculine individual, and one person could be categorised as a cisgender person. Through qualitative interviews, information was gathered surrounding the couples' relationships, experiences and relations to norms and normativity. Hereby it was found that cisgender-transgender couples relationally constitute and navigate their gender/sex/sexuality, this being both in relation to each other and social norms/normativity, through processes of identification and disidentification. In particular, it has been found that while within the Netherlands labels and categories relating to identity are given much social importance, the couples often actively disidentified with these normative labels and categories. In addition, particular social issues/phenomena were mentioned as being of influence in the construction of norms within the Netherlands that they had to navigate in their gender/sex/sexuality identification and disidentification, namely generational gaps and media representation. Specifically, transnormative media representation and 'older generations' were argued to be factors in the hindrance of transgender acceptance and normalisation within society, while social media and 'younger generations' were argued to bring about progress herein. These findings contribute to the gaps within existing research that have so far lacked in representing existing relationships between cisgender and transgender people that do not consist of violence and suffering. Furthermore, these findings contribute to the gap in research regarding the concept of the Dutch 'hokjesmaatschappij.'

signatuur: cat. (blom-i/def)

dgb grijs

"I am not defined by this box": An Analysis of Cisgender-Transgender Couples Navigating Identity in the Netherlands
cat. (blom-i/def)dgb grijs


( DE:"cisgender personen" )

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